Welcome to the page for String Quartet

  • violin I

    violin II



  • Prior to writing this piece, I was a purist. Thou shalt NOT use sequencing programs to play digital versions of you music back to you! Thou shalt only use a piano or your inner ear.

    But everyone was doing it. Everyone was using the midi to inform their understanding of their own work and as a crucial tool in the creative process. So... my puritanical composition gave way to peer influence.

    And I'm so glad. I was immersed in the creative process and wrote this piece over a summer.

  • Email me at dannyhansenmusic@gmail.com

    The cost is $200 for PDF delivery of score (8.5x11) and part (8.5x11). Prefer hard copies? I'm happy to get those to you, but printing and shipping costs will be applied.


Album Leaf - for piano (2018)